Watermelons are supposively originated from South Africa, which was later on migrated to America around the 16th century. To this day, watermelons are cultivated all over the world, ranging from here in California, to all the way in Japan.
The picture above shows the stereotypical look of the watermelon. Just because Watermelons are juicy and sweet, doesn't they're bad for you. Eating watermelons can actually help you anticipate and prevent cancer.

Now, the picture to the left of me may seem odd, but they're actually real. Back in Japan, they needed to find a way to pack watermelons in a sufficient way instead of the stacking them, which on the occasion caused them to squash and break. So, Japanese scientist decided to alter their shape, and started growing them in a square shape, thus giving an easier way to store and pack them.
So, the next time you eat a watermelon, remember, they're good for you!
This is a terrific blog. Amazing pictures and comments on fruits and vegetable. The Japanese certainly are creative, aren't they. Wish you had a few more links, and a bit more proofreading, but really enjoy this blog. 45/50 A-