Monday, October 4, 2010

4. Watermelon!

Watermelons are great when it comes to fun in the sun. Most watermelons are eaten during the summer when most mouths need to be quenched the most.

Watermelons are supposively originated from South Africa, which was later on migrated to America around the 16th century. To this day, watermelons are cultivated all over the world, ranging from here in California, to all the way in Japan.

The picture above shows the stereotypical look of the watermelon. Just because Watermelons are juicy and sweet, doesn't they're bad for you. Eating watermelons can actually help you anticipate and prevent cancer.

Now, the picture to the left of me may seem odd, but they're actually real. Back in Japan, they needed to find a way to pack watermelons in a sufficient way instead of the stacking them, which on the occasion caused them to squash and break. So, Japanese scientist decided to alter their shape, and started growing them in a square shape, thus giving an easier way to store and pack them.

So, the next time you eat a watermelon, remember, they're good for you!

3. White Netarine

One of my favorite fruits would have to be hands down the White Nectarine. The white nectarine originated from China around 2000 years ago, and it was spread throughout the world through European explorers. But hey, isn't this the same stories for other fruits?

 Most commercial crop growing for White Nectarines are found here, in California. This is due to the fact that they fail to grow effectively when it comes down to farming it anywhere else in the United States. Just like many other sweet and savory fruits, the White Nectarine can be eaten baked, made into preserves, jam, stewed, ice cream, or just simply raw.

By now, everyone knows that just by eating your fruits and vegetables once a day, can lead to a healthy and successful life. So why not add a white nectarine to that? Just like any other fruit, they contain antioxidants, which help prevent heart disease and cancers, such as breast cancer.

After doing a little research, I came across a website called It had many simple recipes that people from all ages can find useful, and some that can just make your taste buds feel just a tad bit more satisfied. So check it out, they actually have a white nectarine recipe that I prepare to try out once the season comes in.

8. Pumpkins, Just In Time

Just in time. It's October folks, and what's one of the things that defines this month and Halloween? The colour Orange of course! And what fruit is orange? The Pumpkin, oh the pumpkin. The first thing that comes into mind after thinking Halloween is pumpkins. Pumpkins are what define a whole holiday, giving you a sense of spookyness and thrill whenever you see up lite up in the dark.

Pumpkins are also very delicious. One of the mains dishes that is very delicious is the pumpkin pie. Now, you may be thinking "Oh my God, this is delicious, but is this healthy for you? Yes! Pumpkins actually contain Beta-Carotene, which is a nutrient under the Vitamin A section. Beta-Carotene is very similar to antioxidants, meaning that it is very helpful in prevent chronic and cardiovascular diseases.

Of course, people can always just use pumpkins for carving their favorite hero or movie character...

Remember, have a good time! You're never too old to go Trick or Treating, aaand

7. Strawberries

People have to agree that Strawberries are awesome. Many people believed that these things directly came from God. Why? Because one bite off these juicy suckers can get you running back for more! Strawberries are considered one of the "fav" fruit out of other fruits. Originating from France, they were later cultivated in Northern America to the species of strawberries known as The WoodLand Strawberry. It takes many factors to produce the perfect strawberry, such as "size, color, flavor, shape, degree of fertility, season of ripening, liability to disease and constitution of plant" (google searched*) Missing one of these factors, and you might just have one sour berry. Like other red berries, such as blackberries, contain High, YES, high levels of antioxidents. As said in previous post, these things are amazing for you body, and can reduce chronic diseases. In the recent past, people thought of strawberries as a "substitute" for modern western medicine.

A lot of people have said that "You cannont make things better than they should already be." That may be true nutrients and health wise, but as a chronic food eater, we believe that taste can sure change! Here are some examples on how you can make a strawberry taste just a tiny bit more awesome.

A lover's favorite. With the juicy tangy-ness combined with sweet utter flavor from heaven, what can go wrong?

The following picture is actually the Asian version of the Kit-Kats we know today. When we go to the grocery store, we usually see different chocolaty kit-kats. After doing some intensive and serious research, there are actually many different flavors, such as green apple and orange, that sell all around Asia.

Why not drink strawberries right? The picture to the left of me shows strawberries put in a smoothie, twisted all up, add some "natural" sugar and ice, and Ta-da! A drink that you'll never forget.

                 Strawberry recipes come in many shapes and forms, but who can go wrong with dessert?

6. Broccoli - Are they really worth eating?

Ah, Broccoli. A kid's arch nemesis. It is almost proven a fact that all kids in the world agree, that Broccoli is a enemy without mercy. It'll prevent you from doing anything good! Want dessert? Eat your broccoli first. Want to play video games? Eat your broccoli first. Want to watch T.V.? EAT YOUR BROCCOLI FIRST!!! Now, whenever you are served broccoli, you may look like this:

Lets learn a little history. Broccoli originated from Europe, supposedly breeding off the cabbage(which I talked about a few posts back) and later mutated to what we know now as the broccoli. Yuck, mutated cabbage???

But cheer up! Your eating broccoli for a reason silly! Broccoli contains nutrients that far surpass many other fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins A, C, K, and regular fiber needed for a healthy diet. A steamed bowl of broccoli can equal to 3-4 servings of fruits! No wonder our parents made us eat this stuff! As for Prevention, Broccoli's special powers help prevent specific cancers such as prostate, breast, and lung cancer for smokers.

Want to make a great tasting meal with healthy beneficials? Try the Asian Beef Recipe composed of broccoli, beef, and other asian spices. It's great tasting, and the spices make the broccoli just so much juicier, and tastier. I'd recommend this to anyone who just wants to try something new.

So remember folks, broccoli is worth your time, and mouth! Start eating more broccoli, and you can start pumping iron like this guy:

But, if your not ready to eat broccoli just yet, there's always a last resort....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

5. Pear

The pear is one of the delicate fruits in the known universe. They originated from China about 3000 years ago, and they later migrated into other parts of Asia and all over Europe. Pears actually contain hydroxycinnamic acid, which actually, just like guavas, help repress stomach aches and prevent stomach cancer.

Pear trees vary from many sizes, some rising up to 25 feet while others grow only up to 8 feet. Either way, they both produce delicious fruits that can tingle your taste buds from the end of your tongue to the very tip of it.

As like other fruits, they can be eaten raw, or cook in various ways. However, one unique way is to drink pears, and no, I dont mean from juice, I actually mean from tea!

After doing a little research, I found out that they dry the fruit, and also the leaves, and put it in the teabag. People had said the tea has a very original taste, while at the same time tasting the sweet essence of the pear.

One last unique I found while looking up the web would be pear sculptures. Many artists find pears to be fairly easier to sculpt than ice, which makes them resilient to the heat.

Monday, August 30, 2010

2. Savoy Cabbage

Savoy Cabbage

The Savoy Cabbage is considered to be one of the top foods that repress cancerous cell growth by more than 80 percent. It's mainly helps prevent Brain, Colon, and Lung cancer. By eating cabbage, it give you an "extra" protective layer of healthy nutrients and at the same time detoxifying your body.

What can Savoy Cabbage be put into? What kinds of food?

There's actually a lot you'll see cabbage in, one typical thing that most of eat on a weekly would be:
A typical Cheeseburger
As unhealthy this is, the cabbage in it is probably the most healthy thing in there, and it's not as horrible tasting as other veggies such as yucky bitter melon. A few people actually like eating cabbage in their soup, such as these examples:

This soup is called Sinigang, originating from the Philippines, this soup consist of various vegetables such as broccoli and (of course) cabbage while at the same time having carbohydrates such as meat and potatoes. I'd recommend you to try this delicacy whenever your at a Filipino restaurant, or even house. :]

So remember folks, next time you're served cabbage, eat them! Your parents aren't lying, they're actually good for you!

Don't play with your veggies, eat 'em!